

  • 匿名用户

    Hello, My name is XXXXX, and I would like to study engineering at your university. I am Chinese, and here is what I will do at Queen’s.
    Let’s start with why I chose Engineer as my future career. The major reason was my father. He used to be an engineer at the Shenfei factory 20 years ago, a factory designing cars and airplanes, especially fighter aircraft for the Chinese air force. Now he owns a factory making fittings of the oil wells. Not only because of my father, I chose engineer also because it is my dream to design something which would benefit people and maybe also put my name in the history book.
    To study at Queen’s has been my dream for a long time, therefore I decide to apply to your university at the time of my graduation from high school. I think studying at Queen’s would be a great opportunity for me, because there is a difference between Queen’s and other universities. Queen’s offers a better training environment for students because it has the best faculty. Queen’s is also known as “Canadian’s Princeton””. That would probably makes me an all rounder! Queen’s might not be the best, but it is the best for me.
    Queen’s is also a school of cosmopolitan with people from different culture.They all make joint efforts to strive for the beautiful dream! Queen’s have a great tradition,as know as their teamwork.Fostering teamwork is creating a working culture that values collaboration. In a teamwork environment, people understand and believe that thinking, planning, decisions and actions are better when done cooperatively. People recognize, and even assimilate, the belief that “none of us is as good as all of us.” I would be able to learn certain things which I could not learn without having access to the others! More importantly, I would be able to make lots of friends and improve myself!
    Here is why I want to study at Queen’s. I hope this could give you some information about me and maybe bring me the chance to be accepted by your university.

  • 匿名用户

    我感觉你这个申请书就是Personal Statment。写PS有几个原则,第一就是尽量少用I,My等第一人称称谓,用It,This等第三人称,这样在英文行文中更为正式。对了,缩写也不要用。还有,要多说自己,把自己的优点说出来让他们录取你而不是光说这个大学是怎么怎么好。还有,你在说父亲对你的影响时说得太简略了,应该多说一些,比如他怎么影响到了你,不可能只是因为他是工程师而已,孩子的职业选择跟父母不同也有很多。你可以加一些比如小时常去他工作单位玩然后对工程起兴趣了之类的。还有我并不认为你父亲有工厂跟你选择工程专业有很大关系所以我给删掉了。希望你再自己添加一些表现自己的段落吧。



    貌似皇后大学很不错,Good Luck.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    1. My name is XXXXX, and I am currently studying xxx(学科名称) at XXX. Studying
    Engineering in Queen’s University shall be a valuable experience to me.

    2. Being an engineer is what I dreamt of. It is my father who affected my career choice the most.
    Shenfei factory, which designs armored cars and aircrafts for Chinese Air Force, employed him as
    an engineer for 20 years. (建议这里再加点内容)Accordingly,I decided to start my career as an engineer. To design something can put my name in the history book is what I live for.


    4. Compared with other universities, Queen’s offers better degrees at training student. They have the best professors prepare for duty. Queen’s knows as “Canadian’s Princeton””. That would probably make me an all rounder! Queen’s maybe not be the best, but it is the best for me.

    Queen’s is also a cosmopolitan school multiple cultures . They all make joint efforts to strive for the beautiful dream! Queen’s have a great tradition, as know as their teamwork. People recognize, and even assimilate, the belief that “none of us is as good as all of us.” I would be able to learn certain things which I have no access at the others during my study at Queen’s! More importantly, I would be able to make lots of friends and improve myself.

    5. I would appreciate if you offer me an opportunity to join in Queen’s University.

